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Matthew Peterson Gets Breath Test Thrown Out

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The Law Office of Matthew Peterson successfully got a breath test suppressed, or thrown out, in Chelsea District Court. Our client blew over the legal limit, but the district attorney cannot introduce this evidence during the trial.

To introduce the results of a breath test in Massachusetts, the police have to comply with numerous regulations. If they fail to check all of the boxes, the breath test results can be thrown out. A skilled OUI lawyer in Massachusetts can help get bad breath test results thrown out and help you win your OUI case.

In this case, the Commonwealth did not produce evidence that the officers observed our client for at least 15 minutes, as required by Massachusetts OUI law. I fight for all of my clients – from excluding evidence to arguing their case at trial.

OUI cases are tough to win and can have devastating effects on your job, license, and freedom. You deserve an OUI attorney who will fight for you and secure the best possible result.

Call me today at (617) 295-7500 and let’s get started on your defense!


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