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NOT GUILTY Verdict for OUI in Lawrence District Court

Lawrence OUI lawyer

On October 25, 2023, the Law Office of Matthew W. Peterson secured a NOT GUILTY verdict for our client charged with operating under the influence in Lawrence District Court.

Our client was allegedly seen by a State Police Trooper driving over the middle line toward them, and then the trooper pulled our client over.  After conducting field sobriety tests, our client was arrested for OUI.

Luckily, the State Police recorded booking video that showed our client being booked in the barracks.  This video showed our client having no issue walking, standing, or doing anything else the troopers asked her to during the booking process.

We cross-examined the trooper regarding some issues with their investigation, including errors in the paperwork.  We also showed that the field sobriety test performance was not as bad as initially stated, and our client’s driving was not demonstrably dangerous nor indicated that they were too drunk to drive.

We also pointed out the road conditions, including with certified weather data and pictures of the area.  These photos showed that the stretch of road was remote and without street lights.

After arguing the case to the jury, they were out for less than fifteen minutes before unanimously finding our client NOT GUILTY.


If you need an attorney for an OUI in Lawrence District Court or anywhere in Eastern Massachusetts, call or text me today at 617-295-7500.


Although I am an attorney, I am not your attorney.  Please do not rely on anything on this page as legal advice because any specific advice would depend on your situation.  Any results posted on this page are not guarantees of outcomes in your case.