Latest Blog Posts and Case Victories

Most Common ground for criminal appeals in MA include evidence rulings, jury instructions, misconduct, and insufficient evidence. Click to learn more!....
Need a police report Clerk Magistrate Hearing? The Law Office of Matthew W. Peterson explains the process and how to obtain essential case documents.....
Need a Clerk Magistrate Hearing record? The Law Office of Matthew W. Peterson explains the process and how to obtain important case documents.....
FBI denied your gun purchase in Massachusetts? The Law Office of Matthew W. Peterson explains why it happens and how to challenge the denial.....
Legal victory: Client avoids severe consequences of shoplifting in Massachusetts. The Law Office of Matthew W. Peterson provides expert defense.....
Case dismissed after improper storage of a firearm incident in West Roxbury. The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, expert Boston firearms attorney.....
Do restraining order in Massachusetts show up on background checks? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston restraining order attorney, explains the impact.....
What are drug trafficking charges in Massachusetts? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston drug defense attorney, explains penalties and defense options.....
How to fight a restraining order in MA? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson offers expert legal strategies to defend your rights and guide you....