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In Massachusetts, witness intimidation is when someone intentionally tries to influence a witness in order to interfere with a criminal investigation, criminal trial, or other....

A large-capacity firearm is a semi-automatic handgun or rifle that is capable of accepting more than ten rounds a semi-automatic shotgun capable of accepting more....

Receiving an NTA (Notice to Appear) in immigration court can be very scary, and if you are not familiar with the legal system, it becomes....

Strangulation or suffocation is a felony in Massachusetts and can carry a sentence of up to five years in State Prison as well as fines..... has named Matthew Peterson one of the best OUI attorneys in Lawrence, MA. The website has named him one of the top 18 attorney....

If you’ve been charged with a certain criminal offense, you might be tempted to speak to the plaintiff or witnesses. You might do this in....

Most prosecutors in Massachusetts have stopped using breathalyzer tests as evidence in all OUI cases. This is due to the growing concerns about the reliability....

Domestic violence charges will severely affect your gun rights. Permanently. A domestic violence conviction will prevent you from ever legally carrying a gun. This is....

Assault and battery on a family or household member is a misdemeanor in Massachusetts, for a first-time offense. It can become a felony if you....