Latest Blog Posts and Case Victories

Need help with a gun license in Massachusetts? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston firearms and gun rights attorney, provides expert legal guidance.....
What happens if an officer doesnt immediately give me a ticket? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, DUI Boston attorney, explains your legal options.....
Charged with disturbing of the peace in Massachusetts? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston criminal defense attorney, provides expert legal defense.....
Wondering about the punishment for OUI Massachusetts? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, DUI Boston attorney, explains penalties and offers expert defense.....
Learn how pretrial diversion in Massachusetts works. The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston criminal defense attorney, helps protect your future.....
Facing penalties for illegal gun possession? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston firearms and gun rights attorney, provides expert legal defense.....
Want to seal your Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) in Massachusetts? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston criminal defense attorney, can help.....
Learn about field sobriety tests Massachusetts. The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, DUI Boston attorney, provides expert defense and legal guidance.....
Rape 1st degree case dismissed. The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston criminal defense attorney, provides expert legal defense and proven results.....