NOT GUILTY Verdict on Firearm Charges in Cambridge District Court

Cambridge firearms defense criminal attorney

July 23, 2024, marked a significant day in the Cambridge District Court. A jury of six found our client not guilty of possessing a firearm and possessing cocaine with intent to distribute. This verdict was a critical win, not just for our client but for the principles of justice and reasonable doubt. If convicted, our client faced a mandatory minimum of 18 months in jail, a fate we were determined to prevent.

The Incident That Sparked the Case

The incident that led to these charges occurred in the summer of 2023. Our client was captured on camera placing a backpack under a table in a convenience store. He then stayed in the store for several hours, raising suspicion. Later, police responded to an assault call at the same location. Upon approaching our client, they found him near a trash can that contained approximately 16 grams of cocaine. An expert testified that this quantity was consistent with drug dealing, not personal use.

Uncovering the Evidence

The police also searched the backpack and discovered a loaded firearm and a piece of mail with our client’s name on it. These findings led to the charges against our client. However, we immediately began our rigorous defense, assembling a team of experts in video analysis, fingerprints, DNA, and firearms to scrutinize the Commonwealth’s evidence.

The Motion to Suppress

We challenged the search of the backpack and our client’s arrest with motions to suppress the evidence. Although these motions were not successful, they were instrumental in setting the stage for a successful trial. By committing officers to a specific narrative during these hearings, we made it more difficult for them to alter their stories later.

Highlighting the High-Crime Area

A crucial aspect of our defense strategy was emphasizing the high-crime nature of the area where the incident occurred. During the motion to suppress, we elicited testimony from officers that this locale had a high incidence of drug and gun crimes. This fact became central to our trial defense, suggesting that other individuals could have placed the gun in the backpack or the drugs in the trash can, thereby creating reasonable doubt.

Creating Reasonable Doubt

Our defense at trial focused on the lack of direct evidence linking our client to the gun or drugs. We argued that no one saw our client with these items, no photo or video depicted him in possession of them, and no one testified that they belonged to him. This argument was bolstered by highlighting discrepancies in the officers’ testimonies and the video evidence, suggesting possible errors in their accounts.

Using the Prosecution’s Expert to Our Advantage

The Commonwealth called a drug distribution expert who inadvertently strengthened our defense. The expert testified that drug distributors typically carry tools of the trade, such as digital scales and packaging materials. Since no such paraphernalia was found on our client, we argued that the drugs did not belong to him, nor was he distributing them.

The Role of Common Sense

We also appealed to the jury’s common sense. If someone brought a gun into a high-crime area in a backpack, they would not leave it unattended for long periods, as someone else could easily take it and use it against them. This argument resonated with the jury, adding another layer of reasonable doubt.

The Jury’s Verdict

After a few hours of deliberation, the jury acquitted our client of all charges. This verdict not only saved our client from a potential jail sentence but also ensured that his record would be automatically sealed. This outcome underscores the importance of a robust defense and the value of reasonable doubt in our justice system.

The Importance of a Strong Defense Team

This case serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of having a skilled defense team when facing serious charges. Our commitment to our client’s defense, from hiring experts to challenging evidence and highlighting inconsistencies, played a crucial role in achieving this favorable outcome.

Why You Need an Experienced Firearms Attorney

Navigating the complexities of firearms charges requires expertise and a deep understanding of the law. If you or someone you know is facing similar charges, it’s crucial to have a seasoned firearms attorney who can build a strong defense and advocate for your rights.

Community Impact and Gun Rights Advocacy

This case also highlights broader issues of gun rights and the importance of fair trials. In high-crime areas, it’s easy for individuals to be unfairly targeted and prosecuted. Our victory in this case is a win for all those who believe in the right to a fair trial and the importance of reasonable doubt.

Building Trust Within the Community

We understand the stress and uncertainty that come with facing criminal charges. Our goal is to provide not only legal expertise but also empathy and support throughout the process. We are committed to fighting for justice and ensuring that every client receives a fair trial.


The not-guilty verdict in this case out of Cambridge District Court serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of a thorough and strategic defense. For gun rights advocates, it underscores the need for vigilance in protecting individual rights. For the local community, it highlights the complexities of living in high-crime areas and the importance of fair trials.

If you or someone you know is facing firearms charges, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team has the expertise and commitment to fight for your rights and ensure a fair trial. Call or text us today at 617-295-7500 and take the first step towards securing the defense you deserve.


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