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NOT GUILTY Verdict on OUI in Woburn District Court

Woburn OUI attorneyOn June 29, 2023, The Law Office of Matthew W. Peterson received a NOT GUILTY verdict for our client charged with operating under the influence of alcohol in Woburn District Court.

Our client was found in a snow bank in his car with two bottles of tequila in his car — one full and another nearly empty.  Officers performed field sobriety tests on our client as well.

We emphasized the lack of any other corroborating evidence, such as video, as well as problems with the investigation.  Officers did not accurately document several key details, and we argued that their opinions and testimony could not be relied upon by the jury.

The jury agreed and found our client NOT GUILTY.

If you’re charged with OUI anywhere in Massachusetts, you need an experienced OUI attorney to help.  Call or text me today at 617-295-7500, and let’s get started on your defense!







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