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Shehadi Decision Legalizes Stun Guns Massachusetts Laws

Written By: William J. Manchinton, Jr

Published: 01/27/2025

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Stun Gun Massachusetts | Boston Firearms Attorney | The Law Office of Matthew Peterson

On November 6, 2024, the Massachusetts Appeals Court in Commonwealth vs. Michael Shehadi addressed a critical question: Is a stun gun Massachusetts legally considered a “firearm?” This case was reviewed carefully by The Law Office of Matthew Peterson

What Happened to the Case? Stun Gun Massachusetts Law?

Police discovered Shehadi unconscious in the driver’s seat of a parked car at 2:20 A.M. on August 27, 2021. After spotting drug paraphernalia in the center console and finding fentanyl during an initial search, police obtained a warrant to search the entire vehicle. In the trunk, they discovered a stun gun, leading to charges including unlicensed carrying of a firearm.

What Is A "Firearms Law?"

Under Massachusetts law (M.G.L. c. 140, § 121), a “firearm” includes:

  • A stun gun
  • A pistol, revolver, or other weapon from which a shot/bullet can be discharged
  • Weapons with barrel lengths under 16 inches (or 18 inches for shotguns)

However, the law specifically excludes weapons that:

  • Don’t resemble handguns, short-barreled rifles, or shotguns (including covert weapons like those resembling key chains or pens)
  • Cannot be detected by airport X-ray machines or metal detectors

Shehadi argued his brick-shaped stun gun wasn’t a “firearm” because it neither resembled conventional firearms nor fired projectiles – it required direct contact to deliver a shock.

The Court's Decision

The Appeals Court agreed with Shehadi. Because his stun gun’s brick-like appearance qualified for the appearance-based exemption, it could not be regulated as a “firearm.” The court distinguished between contact stun guns like Shehadi’s and pistol-shaped devices that shoot projectiles, noting that the latter may still be regulated as firearms.

Importance of Having a Firearms Lawyers in Massachusetts

Your stun gun’s legal classification in Massachusetts depends on its specific characteristics. If it qualifies as a “firearm,” you need proper licensing and must follow strict storage and transport regulations to avoid criminal charges.

For definitive guidance on your situation, contact the Law Office of Matthew W. Peterson.