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OUI Drugs Dismissed at Woburn Magistrate’s Hearing

How We Achieved Dismissal of OUI Drug Charges in Woburn District Court Image

Operating Under the Influence (OUI) charges can feel life altering, especially when they involve prescription medications. Recently, our legal team successfully secured the dismissal of OUI drug charges at a magistrate’s hearing in Woburn District Court. This victory not only safeguarded our client’s record but also paved the way to reinstate her driver’s license. This […]

What is the BRAVE Act in Massachusetts?

firearms attorney Boston

The Massachusetts BRAVE Act is an Act Relative to Veterans Benefits, Rights, Appreciation, Validation and Enforcement. Under this Act, it allows veterans who have been honorably discharged and diagnosed with a condition as a result of their service, to avoid being prosecuted if they have been charged with certain crimes A veteran must have a […]

What is Going on with Breathalyzers in Massachusetts?

Most prosecutors in Massachusetts have stopped using breathalyzer tests as evidence in all OUI cases. This is due to the growing concerns about the reliability of these devices. This decision was made after an OUI attorney alleged that the Massachusetts Office of Alcohol Testing, which is in charge of checking the calibration and reliability of […]