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Why You Shouldn’t Trust a Cheap Uncontested Divorce

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Whenever a client comes in to ask about an uncontested divorce, they’re often seeking the cheapest option. In fact, there are plenty of attorneys who offer cheaper uncontested divorces than I do. But trusting the cheapest attorney with your uncontested divorce is often a mistake.

When it comes to legal services, there’s nothing more expensive than a cheap lawyer. It’s much harder and more expensive if you come to me second after someone else has messed up your divorce than if you just come to me first and we do it the right way.

Think about it this way. If an attorney only charges you $300 or $400 for an uncontested divorce, this means they’re counting on spending about an hour or two on your case. This includes meeting with you, preparing the paperwork, getting the paperwork signed and notarized, and filing the paperwork. Any attorney would need more time to do your divorce correctly.

What do you think will happen when you call that attorney’s office a month or so later when an unforeseen problem comes up? Your check has been cashed, and your money has been spent.

It’s important to meet with the parties and figure out what problems may come up. Maybe you have joint debts that need to be settled. Maybe your spouse can’t put their car in their name because of insufficient credit. Maybe credit cards need to be taken care of and divided.

Even if you think your divorce is simple – no children or not much property to divide – there may be complications. You need an attorney that will take the time to consider your options and explain them to you.

I’ve dealt with plenty of uncontested divorces that have seemed simple at first, but then problems have quickly surfaced. Maybe one spouse doesn’t pay their fair share or hold up their end of the bargain, or something else comes up that we didn’t anticipate.

Even if I’ve completed your uncontested divorce paperwork, I will still answer your calls and try to work through any other problems. I will also meet with you and your spouse and try to figure out the best way to deal with any potential pitfalls in your agreement.

If you need a lawyer for an uncontested divorce and you want it done the right way, even if it’s not the cheapest, contact me today.


Although I am an attorney, I am not your attorney.  Please do not rely on anything on this page as legal advice because any specific advice would depend on your situation.  Any results posted on this page are not guarantees of outcomes in your case.

Boston Attorney

The court system is stressful, whether you’re being charged with a crime, being sued, suing someone, or fighting for your ability to stay and work in this country. You need someone who appreciates this and can dedicate the time not only to represent you effectively in court but to guide you through the process.

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