Matthew W. Peterson Secures NOT GUILTY Verdict for Client Charged with Indecent A&B on Child Under 14

chelsea criminal defense lawyer

On October 19, 2022, the Law Office of Matthew Peterson secured a NOT GUILTY verdict for our client charged with indecent assault and battery on a child under 14 in Chelsea District Court.  Our client was charged with sexually abusing his daughter.

He was facing potential jail time of up to two and a half years, but also registering as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

Prior to trial, attorney Peterson argued pre-trial motions to exclude certain evidence from the jury.  This included hearsay evidence from other witnesses and prior unfounded allegations against the defendant.

Attorney Peterson took the case to a jury trial in Chelsea District Court.  Attorney Peterson cross-examined the complaining witness and pointed out contradictions between her testimony and her prior statements.  Additionally, he pointed out reasons why the alleged victim may have lied, including her animosity toward her father and current situation in her life.

Furthermore, there was a significant delay between the alleged incidents and when the complaining witness came forward to the police.

After arguing all of these factors to the jury, they agreed that the Commonwealth had not proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt.  The jury found the defendant NOT GUILTY.

After facing these charges for more than two years, the defendant was discharged and allowed to resume his life.

If you are facing serious charged, including for sexual assault, you can count on Attorney Peterson to vigorously defend you.  Contact him at 617-295-7500 by phone or text to get started on your case.



Although I am an attorney, I am not your attorney.  Please do not rely on anything on this page as legal advice because any specific advice would depend on your situation.  Any results posted on this page are not guarantees of outcomes in your case.

What Is A VAWA Green Card? | Boston Immigration Attorney | The Law Office Of Matthew Peterson

What Is a VAWA Green Card?

What is a VAWA green card? The Law Office of Matthew Peterson, Boston immigration attorney, explains how it protects abuse victims and helps gain legal status.

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