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Will a Domestic Violence Conviction Affect My Gun Rights?

domestic violence gun rights

Domestic violence charges will severely affect your gun rights.  Permanently.

A domestic violence conviction will prevent you from ever legally carrying a gun.  This is according to both Massachusetts and Federal law.  If you later carry a gun after being convicted of domestic violence, you could be subject to serious federal and state charges.

This includes a plea of guilty to domestic violence or conviction after a jury trial.  A continuance without a finding (CWOF) does not count as a conviction in this case.

Even being arrested for domestic violence can prevent you from getting a gun license.  When applying for a gun license, the officer will consider your suitability.  They will review your criminal record (even sealed cases) and determine whether issuing a gun license will threaten public safety.  They can consider arrests for domestic violence, even if the case was dismissed, in this decision.

If you care about your gun rights, you should hire an attorney to represent you if you’re charged with domestic violence.  Otherwise, you could be prevented from ever legally carrying a gun in Massachusetts.

Additionally, if you have a restraining order issued against you, you could be ordered to immediately surrender all of your firearms to the police.  This can be done even without you being in court.

I am a domestic violence defense attorney who represents people in all Massachusetts courts.  I am a firearms attorney who can help you protect your right to carry a gun.  If you’re charged with domestic violence and care about your gun rights, call or text me today at (617) 295-7500.  Let’s get started on your defense.



Although I am an attorney, I am not your attorney.  Please do not rely on anything on this page as legal advice because any specific advice would depend on your situation.  Any results posted on this page are not guarantees of outcomes in your case.