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What is a Large Capacity Firearm in Massachusetts?

large capacity firearm Massachusetts

A large-capacity firearm is

  1. a semi-automatic handgun or rifle that is capable of accepting more than ten rounds
  2. a semi-automatic shotgun capable of accepting more than five shotgun shells or
  3. an assault weapon

What Kind of License Do I Need to Carry a Large-Capacity Firearm?

To legally carry, purchase, or transport a large-capacity firearm in Massachusetts, you must obtain your License to Carry (LTC). This license also includes non-large capacity handguns, rifles, shotguns, feeding devices, and ammunition. This is also the only license that allows the carrying of concealed handguns-either loaded or unloaded.

An LTC costs $100 and is valid for up to 6 years. All first-time firearm license applicants must successfully complete a Massachusetts Certified Firearms Safety Course or a Basic Hunter Education Course and submit a certificate of completion with their firearms license application.

Another part of the LTC application process is a criminal background check. Under federal law, people are generally prohibited from legally possessing firearms if they have been convicted of a felony, and domestic violence convictions will also greatly affect your ability to own a firearm.

If your LTC has been denied, I am here to help. I am an experienced firearms attorney and I will help you protect your right to carry a gun. Call or text me today at (617) 295-7500.



Although I am an attorney, I am not your attorney.  Please do not rely on anything on this page as legal advice because any specific advice would depend on your situation.  Any results posted on this page are not guarantees of outcomes in your case.

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